
Presentations delivered in international conferences

Digital transformation in border checks: mapping border guard training in automated processes (24th-25th October 2018)

  • Event: European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC) 2018, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden
  • Abstract: Automated border control represents one area in the digital transformation of border control. It is gradually becoming a common place particularly at air borders, where the concept of self-service has had the strongest business case also in other steps of the passenger’s journey, such as check-in or baggage drop. Besides providing a means to enhance efficiency and security in passenger clearing processes, the new technology significantly reshapes current ways of conducting border checks from employee perspective. Successful implementation of automated border check technologies thus demands border organizations to equip their workforce with new skills and remodel existing ones. This paper presents a preliminary analysis on current technology training of border guards and assesses its effects on how the new technology is received among employees at the frontline. The results are based on field studies conducted in five EU member states. The study loosely applies a Technology Training Model that extends traditional Technology Acceptance Model by incorporating training as an additional variable to explain employee intention to use new technology.

Towards Mobile Contactless 4-Fingerprint Authentication for Border Control (24th-25th October 2018)

  • Event: European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC) 2018, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden
  • Abstract: In the last years the importance of biometric authentication in border control procedures increased in a way that biometrics have become the core of most border management systems. Current commercial products for mobile border control have not satisfactorily solved both the demand for increasing security checks and the user requirements driven by security personnel such as border guards yet. Due to their flexibility, portable devices are commonly desired during the control process. This paper presents on-going work of an advanced mobile device for border control focusing on usability and integrating new technologies to envision next-generation of mobile devices. The device is based on the MobilePass device but significantly improved. A key technology of the new device is a contactless 4-fingerprint authentication instead of only one in existing solutions. Results based on real data shows the advantages of 4-fingerprint versus 1-fingerprint authentication.

Rethinking automated borders: risk of discrimination and fundamental rights (19th September 2018)

A Framework for Understanding Human Factors Issues in Border Control Automation (20th-21th August 2018)

  • Event: Human-Work Interaction Design 2018 (HWID’18) – Designing Engaging Automation, 5th IFIP WG 13.6 Working Conference, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
  • Abstract: New security threats and increasing traveler flows as well as needs to enhance facilitation and security in EU external cross-border traffic have accelerated the use of novel technologies in border control. Especially at airports, automated border control, more commonly known as e-gates, have been taken widely into use. With e-gates, travelers perform border check as self-service, and the role of the border guards is to monitor or possibly also assist travelers passing the border. The introduction of automated systems significantly reshapes current ways of conducting border control from the border guard’s perspective, and automation thus requires new skills from them. Understanding the effects of automation on the work tasks and work performance of border guards requires thorough examination. This paper introduces key Human Factors issues affecting border guard and border control system performance. The results are based on literature review and field studies conducted in different border control points within six European countries. The paper presents a Human Factors framework for understanding the complex nature of the border control and different factors influencing to both border control process and border guard performance within it.

BODEGA research project in the perspective of the EU "Smart Borders" initiative

  • Event: Presentation delivered during the Transport Research Arena (TRA) conference, held on 17-21 April 2016, Warsaw, Poland
  • Description: General presentation of the BODEGA project given by UIC.

Testing the borders of the future (National perspective)

  • Description: Presentation of the smart borders pilots in Athens,the FastPass Sea Borders Scenario and BODEGA’s project.
  • Event: Presentation delivered by KEMEA at the 2015 eu-LISA conference

Academic Publications

May 2018
Technology and society at automated borders: challenges for the fundamental rights

  • Description: Master’s thesis publication. The aim of this research is to investigate how new border technologies are affecting and can affect fundamental rights, particularly the right of non-discrimination.
  • Author: Giovanna Sanchez Nieminen.

Border check training in Finland - Comparison of e-learning tools for practical and legal studies

  • Abstract: The paper discusses the possibilities and challenges in applying e-learning tools in border check training, comparing the training of legal issues and border check practices. The main research question of the paper is how e-learning is utilised in and comport with border guard training.
  • Authors: Sari Lindblom-Häkkinen, Saila Heinikoski, Maisa Anttila, the Finnish Border and Coast Guard Academy, Finland.

July 2017
Human Factors Approach to Study Border Control Automation Impacts and Needs: Methodology and Preliminary Results of Field Studies.

  • Event: Paper delivered during the AHFE conference.
  • Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the current border guards’ activities from a human factor point of view and to provide recommendations and requirements regarding the introduction of the future regulation and the use of automatic systems. The paper introduces the methodology used to investigate human factors at four types of borders based on a systemic human factors approach, organizational factors, technical tools and environmental aspects.
  • Authors: Elise Le Guellec, Christine Megard, Virginie Papillault, Sonia Huguenin, Grigore Havârneanu, Juliette Richoux, Sirra Toivonen

January 2017
From technology assessment to responsible research and innovation (RRI).

  • Abstract: How can technology assessment methodologies be developed to move ethical questions to the forefront of enquiry? This methodological question was one of the key factors in an exercise in Responsible Research and Innovation carried out as part of SNIFFPHONE, a project on medical diagnostics. This paper discusses the methods used to apply Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in SNIFFPHONE, one of the European Commission’s H2020 projects. In addition we described shortly implementation plan and first activities of RRI in another H2020 project, called BODEGA. The aim of the project is to build an expertise at the European level about human factors in future smart borders (e.g. ABC gates, video based risk analysis) in a way to enhance its efficiency without negative side effects.
  • Authors: John Pearson, Robert Gianni, Veikko Ikonen, Hossam Haick

Passenger mobility at future border checks

  • Event: Paper delivered during the 2016 WCRR conference.
  • Abstract: The European Union is developing a new organisational concept of its borders, the “Smart Border Initiative”, in order to facilitate door-to-door travel and improve economic exchanges. Within this framework, and to cope with the increasing demands of growing cross-border flows, the Border Guard authorities are searching for new innovative solutions for border checks technologies, processes and will invest in infrastructure. The challenge is to organise a new efficient border control facing up to the risks and threats linked to illegal immigration without penalising the normal flows of passengers and goods needed by the European economy. From the traveller’s point of view, the border checks should be a simple, fast and hassle free process. In this context of a future vision of the borders, the European project named “BODEGA” (BOrDErGuArd – Proactive Enhancement of Human Performance in Border Control; will help travellers to access and pass the border control system smoothly by introducing totally new and innovative tools for border guard training and traveller guidance. BODEGA’s approach will proactively target the needs and requirements of different groups of stakeholders, including citizens, especially regular travellers. BODEGA will develop recommendations to improve the overall performance in border checks and therefore contribute to the effectiveness and security of European borders. The originality of this approach is to develop a multi-disciplinary international expertise and develop a novel methodology including ethical, societal and legal considerations into a set of human, organisational and technical factors.
  • Authors: Virginie Papillault, Jacques Colliard


March 2018
Lessons from Arctic practices in border guard training

  • Description: This article is based on a session of the Finnish Border Guard at an international UArctic Congress and published in the Finnish journal "Rajamme Vartijat".

March 2016
Rajatarkastus - ihmisen ja teknologian yhteistyötä

  • Abstract: Teknologia on yhä tärkeämpää rajatarkastajan työssä. Rajavartija käyttää erilaisia tietojärjestelmiä ja teknisiä apuvälineitä päivittäin. Esimerkiksi asiakirja- ja sormenjälkilukijoita hyödynnetään maahantuloedellytysten tutkinnassa ja maastalähtötarkastuksissa.
  • Author: Maisa Anttila

Newsletters / dissemination materials

BODEGA Second newsletter

  • Description: This newsletter presented the BODEGA project, the traveller’s survey available in 8 langages, the field studies carried out in 6 EU countries, the first project results addressed at the joint BODEGA-ABC4EU showcase event in Finland and the BODEGA participation to a joint exploitation event in Paris.

Joint BODEGA-ABC4EU Showcase Event Report

  • Description: This document presents an overview of the activities carried out and the results achieved during the showcase held on May 2nd-5th 2017 in Levi, Finland|


BODEGA Project Showcase at SDW 2018 Report (25th-27th June 2018)

  • Event: Security Document World (SDW) Conference and Exhibition 2018. Queen Elizabeth II (QEII) Centre in London, UK.
  • Description: The event provided the BODEGA consortium with an opportunity to disseminate project results to stakeholders from government and industry as well as from the side of travellers. The event was also leveraged for gathering feedback on the solutions devised during the project and establish useful contacts in view of collaboration initiatives that may be undertaken after the end of BODEGA.

Innovating for the future European railway system

  • Description: Article presenting BODEGA’s project in the UIC focus edition.

BODEGA First Newsletter

  • Description: This newsletter addressed the Border management experts debate in the first workshop, the presentation of BODEGA at the EU-LISA conference in Tallinn, the first BODEGA field studies carried out in Athens, and the European Smarter Borders Forum on LinkedIn.

Press Releases

BODEGA Press Release

  • Description: Workshop on Future Border Control - Toward Smart Human/Machine Task Allocation|15 European Border Management practitioners from national authorities and experts of 9 different Member States attended this event. Europol, The European Passenger Federation and the Eurosint Forum were represented.

BODEGA Press Release

  • Description: This press release presented the BODEGA field studies carried out at Rome Fiumicino Airport on June 21st-22nd 2016.
    The two-day event was organised by Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli (ADM) and saw the participation of a delegation from the BODEGA consortium alongside representatives of Polizia di Frontiera.

Dissemination reports

BODEGA Sixth Dissemination report

  • Description: This document constitutes the sixth of the six six-monthly reports that will be produced throughout the BODEGA project in order to summarise the dissemination activities carried out in the previous six months. The activities illustrated in the present report have been conducted during the period between M31 and M36 (December 2017 – May 2018).

BODEGA Fifth Dissemination report

  • Description: This document constitutes the fifth of the six six-monthly reports that will be produced throughout the BODEGA project in order to summarise the dissemination activities carried out in the previous six months. The activities illustrated in the present report have been conducted during the period between M25 and M30 (June 2017 – November 2017).

BODEGA Fourth Dissemination report

  • Description: This document constitutes the fourth of the six six-monthly reports that will be produced throughout the BODEGA project in order to summarise the dissemination activities carried out in the previous six months. The activities illustrated in the present report have been conducted during the period between M19 and M24 (December 2016 – May 2017).

BODEGA Third Dissemination report

  • Description: This document constitutes the third of the six six-monthly reports that will be produced throughout the BODEGA project in order to summarise the dissemination activities carried out in the previous six months. The activities illustrated in the present report have been conducted during the period between M13 and M18 (June 2016 – November 2016).

BODEGA Second Dissemination report

  • Description: This document constitutes the second of the six six-monthly reports that will be produced throughout the BODEGA project in order to summarise the dissemination activities carried out in the previous six months. The activities illustrated in the present report have been conducted during the period between M7 and M12 (December 2015 – May 2016).

BODEGA First Dissemination report

  • Description: This document constitutes the first of the six six-monthly reports that will be regularly produced throughout the BODEGA project in order to summarise the dissemination activities carried out in the previous six months.
Left object (v1)
The video shows an example for video based risk analysis, developed by AIT and tested within the FP7 FastPass project. It shows the application of real-time algorithms used to detect lost or suspicious items in an controlled area (e.g. an eGate). The experiences made during the projects helped AIT to better understand the needs by border guards and travelers, culminating in human factor recommendations for video based systems within the BODEGA project.
Mobile identity management (v4)
The video shows a first version of the handheld mobile border control device developed by AIT within the FP7 MobilePass project. The work done in this project proved as a good basis to develop new human factor recommendations for mobile border control within the BODEGA project. Furthermore, a new version of the device implementing some of these recommendations, with improved ergonomics (e.g. housing) and a more user friendly UI, has been developed.
Person separation (v1-1)
The video shows another scenario in which video based technologies can help the work of border guards and shows person tracking and person separation for detecting multiple persons within an controlled area (e.g. an eGate). The technology was developed by AIT and evaluated within the FP7 FastPass project. Again, the experience made within has been reflected in the human factor recommendations for video based systems within the BODEGA project.
Queue length (v1-1)
The video shows how video based technologies can help border authorities or (air) port operators to better manage longer queues, in order to allow for a smooth and hassle-free border crossing of travelers. The technology shown in the video has been previously developed and tested by AIT. The findings and experiences gained in this context were in turn incorporated into the recommendations of the BODEGA project.
ProFace: Facial recognition tool.
ProFace is a tool available in first line suitable for all border crossing point. It is integrated with the current environment of border guards (document information received by the scanner reader and data based results). ProFace give all the inputs to the border guards to let them take the right decision about a traveler. ProFace is useful to detect look alike and also to take a decision for a child thanks to an ageing feature. Copyright: Thales

The Joint BODEGA-ABC4EU Showcase Event took place on May 2nd - 5th 2017 in Levi, Finland, hosted at the Levi Spa Hotel. The event provided an opportunity to expand the enduser community of the BODEGA and ABC4EU research projects while contributing to the dissemination, discussion and validation of their results. While the aim of BODEGA is to enhance efficiency, security and traveller experience of the border control process taking into account human factors and ethical aspects, ABC4EU1 (Automated Border Control Gates for Europe) aims to harmonise border control technology in accordance with Smart Borders legislation.

The initiative was conceived in response to the European Commission’s call for greater cooperation between EC-funded research projects. A special focus was placed on discussing the preliminary results of the two projects in light of the EU’s changing legislation in the area of border control. The event saw the participation of 43 persons including members of EU and national law-enforcement agencies, representatives of Ministries of Internal Affairs of EUMember States, European universities, lobby groups and NGOs involved in activities related to security, technology and ethics. Chatham house rules were adopted throughout the event in order to stimulate open discussion. An Etherpad solution was also put in place allowing participants to ask questions in real-time and exchange views in an anonymous fashion.

The event was articulated into 7 thematic workshops:

  • Workshop 1 examined lessons learned from previous Automated Border Control facilitation
  • projects;
  • Workshop 2 looked at the role of technology as a European wide solution;
  • Workshop 3 focused on the results of BODEGA field studies and ABC4EU pilot
  • tests;
  • Workshop 4 featured an expert panel discussion around issues related to ethics, responsible research and innovation and border control;
  • Workshop 5 was dedicated to the testing of prototype solutions developed during different projects;
  • Workshop 6 hosted a meeting of the ABC4EU External End User Advisory Board;
  • Workshop 7 consisted of a group discussion around a set of key questions put forward by the European Commission.

For further information, consult the full report

On 29 June, the second BODEGA workshop gathers European border control experts to exchange on the challenges raised by the implementation of stronger and smarter borders.

This workshop focussing on the consequences of the digitalisation of border control processes gathered eighteen border control professionals from different relevant Member States’ services – police, customs, border guard agencies – representing 12 European countries. The European agency FRONTEX was also in attendance.

This event was organised by CEIS in the framework of the European H2020 Security project BODEGA “BorDErGuArd – Proactive Enhancement of Human Performance in Border Control”. The objective of BODEGA is to assess the impact of the current European legislative procedure and technological developments on the work of border control practitioners. The outcomes of the project aim at taking into account human factor aspects in relation to border control and thus improving the efficiency of the process without creating negative side effects for border control agents and managers, and for travellers.

Link to ESBF Forum : Linkedin

On 12 November, a one day end-users workshop was organised in Brussels in the context of BODEGA project (BOrdDErGuArd – Proactive Enhancement of Human Performance in Border Control). This was the first workshop from a series of six workshops scheduled during the project’s duration organised by CEIS (European Company for Intelligence Strategy).

BODEGA is a European research project with the following main objectives:

  • Develop an approach with ethical, societal considerations into a set of human, organisational and technical factors
  • Construct a greater understanding of border guard’s work and border control (future smart borders)
  • Design and develop new guidelines, recommendations and specifications
  • Develop and validate a toolbox for decision-makers

This workshop was a real success with the attendance of 30 people from all over Europe: Federal Police of Belgium, Border and Coast Guard Academy, Hellenic Police, Dutch Police, FRONTEX, customs and part of the BODEGA consortium members (VTT, UIC, CEA, Thales, CEIS, Hellenic Police and Border and Coast Guard Academy).

This workshop was also the opportunity to present the end user’s perspective on Smart Borders. A scenario was then presented, allowing for interactions and reactions from various police end-users, and to have their feedback and suggestions.
In the afternoon, the consortium members presented the organisational, human and technical factors that they had already indentified in the framework of BODEGA.
This workshop allowed the consortium of BODEGA to adjust their understanding of the issue of BODEGA to the reality thanks to the suggestions, explanations and advice of the present police representatives and border guards.

The workshop was really fruitful and interactive thanks to the implication of both the consortium of BODEGA and the end-users and will help UIC to coordinate the BODEGA field studies on all four transport modes (air, maritime, rail and road).
Beyond this workshop and still in the framework of BODEGA, UIC wants to point out that Polish Railways (PKP PLK S.A.) has accepted UIC’s proposal that their company would provide the support/assistance for BODEGA Project Consortium in relation with the Polish Border Guards during the implementation of the project in the frame of their possibilities and competence, excluding any financial or in-kind commitment. They assume that making contact with the parties engaged in the project is the responsibility of the project officers. They suggested getting in touch with the security entities at the border point in advance.

Link to the summary: UIC e-news

Link to Bodega Newsletter :link

On 18 & 19 January 2017, CEIS organised a workshop entitled “Digital Transformation in Border Control – The Impact on Border Guards’ Work and Training” within Atos premises in Madrid.

This event was held in the framework of the BODEGA project -

18 European Border Management practitioners stemming from national authorities of 7 different Member States attended this event. Frontex - the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, the United States Department of Homeland Security and the World Customs Organisation were represented as well.

On this occasion CEIS, VTT and UIC presented some of the results of the research conducted within the BODEGA project and representatives from Frontex, the United States Department of Homeland Security and the Royal Netherlands Maréchaussée presented their views on the impact of Digital Transformation within their respective organisations.

Each presentation led to thorough exchanges with the audience and allowed the BODEGA team for gathering valuable inputs to inform the next steps of the research.

Also, two technology demonstrations were organised during this event. On the first day Atos presented a mobile device compatible with the upcoming EU Stronger and Smarter Border legislation and on the second day Thales demonstrated a mobile device made for the enrollment of biometrics data.

This event was organised by CEIS in the framework of the European H2020 Security project BODEGA - “BorDErGuArd – Proactive Enhancement of Human Performance in Border Control”. The objective of BODEGA is to assess the impact of the current European legislative procedure and technological developments on the work of border control practitioners. The outcomes of the project aim at taking into account human factor aspects in relation to border control and thus improving the efficiency of the process without creating negative side effects for border control agents and managers, and for travellers.

Link to the ESBF Forum :

LinkedIn - European Smarter Borders Forum

Objective of the ESBF forum
The objective of the European Smarter Borders Forum is to foster exchanges of ideas among border management professionals, academics and the industry in the context of the discussions on the Smart Borders package at the EU level.

The forum will become a platform for knowledge exchange and discussions on topics pertaining to smart borders, border management decision-making processes and optimisation of travellers’ performance. It also intends to facilitate relations among European border management professionals by allowing them to share best practices as well as relevant pieces of news such as events, studies and press articles.

Target audience of the ESBF forum:

Border Guards, Border Guards’ Managers, Customs, Police, Travellers’ Representatives and other stakeholders impacted by the implementation of the Smart Borders.


No Deliverable name Lead Participant Dissemination Level
D2.1 Research ethics guidelines for project I UNamur CO
D2.2 State of the art report for ethical, societal and RRI approaches in Border Control UNamur CO
D2.3 RRI Methodology for Project and Development of Initial Scenarios UNamur CO
D2.4 Research ethics guidelines for project II Sciences Po CO
D2.5 Responsible Research and Responsible Innovation Recommendation Sciences Po CO
D3.1 Human factors and motivational issues in border guards’ work: in the front of Smart Borders VTT CO
D3.2 A set of validated Smart Borders scenarios of the future work of border guard VTT CO
D3.3 Initial end-user needs and requirements at border control regarding the existing system and the future Smart Borders system CEA CO
D4.1 Models from the field studies and Literature analysis focused on Human Factors implied at Border crossing CEA CO
D4.2 Requirements for future smarter borders focusing on human factor VTT CO
D5.1 Evaluation of existing systems, recommendations and specifications for document verification AIT CO
D5.2 Evaluation of existing systems, recommendations and specifications for identity verification IN-IDT CO
D5.3 Recommendations and specifications for background data based risk analysis ZANASI CO
D5.4 Recommendations and specifications for video based risk analysis AIT CO
D5.5 Guidelines, recommendations and specifications for management and supervision of ABC TCS CO
D5.6 Mobile scenario description and handling problems, potential improvements AIT CO
D6.1 Recommendations for traveller cooperation ubium CO
D6.2 Recommendations and specifications for management and organization of border staff HappyWise Oy CO
D6.3 Functional design for decision support systems for Smart Borders ATOS SPAIN SA CO
D6.4 Prototype of a Decision Support System for Smart Borders ATOS SPAIN SA CO
D6.5 Innovative gaming and e-learning solutions for border control HappyWise Oy CO
D7.1 Stakeholder map and network CEIS PU
D7.2 WS1 – Scenarios’ assessment and field studies focus CEIS CO
D7.3 WS2 – Human factors requirements for future smart borders CEIS CO
D7.4 WS3 – Best practices in border control staff training CEIS CO
D7.5 WS4 – Innovative interaction assessment CEIS CO
D7.6 WS5 – Traveller’s experience and fundamental right CEIS CO
D7.7 WS6 – Assessment of the project’s results CEIS CO
D7.8 Methodology to measure the success of BODEGA solutions VTT CO
D7.9 PROPER (Proactive Enhancement of Human Performance in Border Control ) Toolbox development and integration VTT CO
D8.1 Dissemination strategy ZANASI CO
D8.2 Project website UIC PU
D8.3 Private Internet workspace UIC CO
D8.4 Project website report UIC CO
D8.5 User guide for the private Internet workspace UIC CO
D8.6 Social media strategy CEIS CO
D8.7 Exploitation plan ZANASI CO
D8.8 BODEGA showcases: objectives and plan ZANASI PU

EU stakeholders and decision-makers

European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex)

European Commission -

  • EU Internal Security Committee (COSI)
  • Strategic Committee on Immigration,Frontiers and Asylum (SCIFA)
  • Frontiers Working Party JAI-RELEX
  • Working Party (JAIEX)
  • Working Party on Integration, Migration and Expulsion
  • Schengen Evaluation Working Party
  • CCWP (Council Customs Cooperation Working Party)

European border control authorities and law enforcement agencies

Organisation Country Website
Polizei Austria
Police/Politie Belgium
Гранична полиция Bulgaria
Police Cyprus
Služba cizinecké a pohraniční policie Czech Republic
Politi Denmark
Politsei-ja Piirivalveamet Estonia
Finnish Border Guard Finland
Finnish Ministry of the Interior (Ministry for Internal Security) Finland
Police Aux Frontières France
Bundespolizei Germany
Ελληνική Αστυνομία Greece
Λιμενικό Σώμα Greece
Rendőrség Hungary
An Garda Síochána Ireland
Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli Italy
Carabinieri Italy
Corpo Forestale dello Stato Italy
Guardia Costiera Italy
Guardia di Finanza Italy
Polizia di Stato Italy
Valsts robežsardze Latvia
Valstybės sienos apsaugos tarnybos Lithuania
Police Grand Ducale Luxembourg
Border Control Services Malta
Koninglijke Marechaussee The Netherlands
Politi Norway
Straż Graniczna Poland
Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras Portugal
Politia de Frontieră Română Romania
Úrad hraničnej a cudzineckej polície Slovakia
Policija Slovenia
Cuerpo Nacional de Policía Spain
Guardia Civil Spain
Kustbevakningen Sweden
Polisen Sweden
The Swiss Border Guard Switzerland
Border Force United Kingdom

ABC4EU: Automated Border Control Gates for Europe

  • Description: ABC4EU stands for Automated Border Control Gates for Europe. It is an EU wide project and involves a Consortium of 14 partners from 7 different countries, with a budget of 16,8 Million Euros, 70% EU funding. The aim is to make border control more flexible by enhancing the workflow and harmonizing the functionalities of Automated Border Control (ABC) gates, which are only one example of automation.
  • Link:


  • Description: FastPass is an integrated project funded by the European Commission under its Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). The project is designed to establish and demonstrate a harmonized, modular approach for Automated Border Control (ABC) gates. Border control is a key factor for guaranteeing mobility and security within the European Union; it has to comply with very different - when not opposite- kind of demands: privacy-compliant, quick, accessible and easy to use border crossing process for the travellers; secure, precise, highly reliable system able to detect several kind of threats by border crossing (piggybacking, counter-spoofing...) for the border guards. FastPass should provide an answer to these expectations and therefore develop an innovative solution centered on the end-users requirements, fully respecting the Data Protection concerns and innovating beyond state-of-the-art technologies for more efficiency. The final system will be then tested at the three type of borders: air (Vienna Airport, Austria), land (Moravita’s border crossing point, Romania) and sea (Greece) to assess its transferability to the market. FastPass will produce a harmonised border crossing solution, a modular system for land, air and sea borders, a highly reliable and privacy compliant architecture, and an improved, innovative user interface.
  • Link: []


  • Description: MobilePass is a FP7 research project, which started in 2014. Over 2 years, the MobilePass Consortium focused its efforts on developing a technologically advanced mobile equipment for the land border crossing points. This new device enables border control authorities to check European, visa-holding and frequent third country travellers in a comfortable, fast and secure way. The mobile solution incorporates new technologies needed in mobile scenarios and embeds them in the actual border crossing workflow to speed up control procedures.
  • Link: []

Protect: Pervasive and UseR Focused BiomeTrics BordEr ProjeCT

  • Description: Protect is a 3-year EC H2020 project commenced on September 1st, 2016 and funded under the Secure Societies work programme. The project aims at building an advanced biometric-based person identification system that works robustly across a range of border crossing types and that has strong user-centric features. Additional objectives of the project are to:
    • Research current and emerging biometric technologies and methods for promising alternative technologies to those mandated by ICAO in order to break the constraints presented by those modalities;
    • Prototype concepts developed as a result of PROTECT research in a safe and controlled environment but using real locations with live subjects – to prove their security, accessibility and acceptability;
    • Offer the research, specifications and experience from the prototypes to European border and law-enforcement agencies, to European technology suppliers, having first established the legal and social propriety of such initiatives.
  • Link: []

iBorderCtrl: Intelligent Portable Control System

  • Description: iBorderCtrl is an innovative project that aims to enable faster and thorough border control for third country nationals crossing the land borders of EU Member States (MS), with technologies that adopt the future development of the Schengen Border Management. iBorderCtrl includes software and hardware technologies ranging from portable readers and scanners, various emerging and novel subsystems for automatic controls, highly reliable wireless networking for mobile controls, and secure backend storage and processing. One of the main goals of the project is to design and implement a comprehensive system that adopts mobility concepts and consists of a two-stage-procedure, designed to reduce cost and time spent per traveller at the border crossing station. iBorderCtrl also focuses on the land border crossing points: road, walkway, train stations. It addresses the better facilitation of thorough checking required for third country nationals that intend to cross EU borders.
  • Link: []

TRESSPASS: robusT Risk basEd Screening and alert System for PASSengers and luggage

  • Description: TRESSPASS is a H2020 42-month Innovation action project that covers air, maritime and land (including car and train) border crossing points, and specifically travel routes that combine different modalities. With regards to threats, this includes smuggling, irregular immigration, cross border crime, and terrorism, including threats to the transport itself. TRESSPASS will:
    • develop a single cohesive risk-based border management concept;
    • develop three pivoting pilot demonstrators: Schiphol Airport, Polish Land Border at External EU crossing control point and Port of Piraeus;
    • demonstrate the validity of the single cohesive risk-based border management concept by using red teaming and simulations;
    • prepare for the further development of this concept beyond this project by linking to other known risk-based border management projects (in- and outside EU, within EU research frameworks and on national levels), and describe how their results contribute to a single cohesive risk-based border management concept.
  • Link: []

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grand agreement No653676

Past events

17 October 2018 BODEGA participated to the eu-LISA and Frontex joint conference "EU Borders – Getting Smarter Through Technology”. BODEGA presented its organisational and human factors vision of "smart borders" in the context of a session themed "Future outlook”
UIC e-news
Tallinn, Estonia
25 September 2018 VTT participated to the European Association for Biometrics (EAB) Research Project Conference 2018 Darmstadt, Germany
23 August 2018 RAJA attended a meeting organised in the context of Frontex’s Interoperability Assessment Programme Turku, Finland
26-29 June 2018 VTT and AIT participated to the 2018 edition of the European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC), where they presented two different papers based on BODEGA’s research findings The Premier European Conference on Counterterrorism and Criminology London, UK
28 June 2018 The BODEGA project was represented at the FLYSEC Final Event and EU security research projects cluster meeting The BODEGA project results has been presented Brussels, Belgium
25-27 June 2018 2nd BODEGA Project Showcase - SDW Conference and Exhibition 2018 The BODEGA project participated to the SDW Conference and Exhibition 2018. The consortium presented project results during a dedicated session of the SDW Conference (June 25th) as well as during two public seminars organised within the context of the SDW Exhibition (June 26th). A BODEGA stand has been set up at the SDW Exhibition throughout its entire duration (June 26th-27th) QEII Centre, London, UK
25-26 May 2018 12th International Scientific Conference SIE2017 Raja participated in the 12th International Scientific Conference "Society, Integration, Education" at the Faculty of Education, Languages and Design of Rezekne Academy of Technologies Rezekne, Latvia
19-21 April 2018 BODEGA co-working days on the road. This was the first team work session of our current BODEGA work while crossing the Russian border. It was a good opportunity to have some interesting information about the Russian road Border St Petersburg, Russia
16-19 April 2018 Transport Research Arena 2018 (TRA 2018) A digital era for transport. Solutions for society, economy and environment Vienna, Austria
19-23 March 2018 Date 18 Design, automation and test in Europe, the European event for electronic design system and test Dresden, Germany
6-7 February 2018 21st European Police Congress Invitation for AIT on booth of Company “Anyline”, together with IBM for showcasing novel user interfacing and ergonomic form of a mobile Device for Border guards. Visits of delegations of Austrian and German Police and Border guards Berlin, Germany
15 December 2017 BODEGA eGates field studies conducted at border-crossing points in Belgium, Finland and Greece in 2017 The BODEGA team had the opportunity to conduct field studies at border-crossing points with e-Gates in Finland, Belgium and Greece. During these field studies, around 58 interviews with border guards, including managers and trainers, were performed, together with observations with regards to the behaviour of border guards as well as travellers.
7-8 December 2017 BODEGA - Workshop on Future Border Control - Toward Smart Human / Machine Task Allocation CEIS organised a workshop entitled “Future Border Control - Towards Smart Human / Machine Task Allocation”. This event was held in the framework of the European H2020 Security project BODEGA.15 European Border Management practitioners from national authorities and experts of 9 different Member States attended this event. Europol, The European Passenger Federation and the Eurosint Forum were represented. During this event, VTT started the day by summarizing the key objectives of the BODEGA project. CEIS then presented a matrix, describing the respective strengths and weaknesses of humans and machines in the completion of Border Management tasks. Paris, France
27-28 November 2017 UNECE Working Party on Railway Transport UIC participated to a Working Party on Railway Transport organised by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in Geneva, Switzerland. During the event, members of UIC’s security division had the opportunity to present the organisation’s activities to 50 government representatives in charge of in-land transports and members of other international transport organisations. Geneva, Switzerland
16 November 2017 COLPOFER 67th General Assembly UIC participated to the 67th General Assembly of COLPOFER. COLPOFER is an international organisation dedicated to promoting collaboration between railway companies and railway police forces. Within the context of the event, UIC presented its recent activities, including the latest progress in BODEGA-related research, to 35 security managers from different railway organisations operating across Europe. Vienna, Austria
14-15 November 2017 Security Research, Innovation and Education Event (SRIEE) 2017 VTT attended the Security Research, Innovation and Education Event (SRIEE) 2017. The event comprised a Security Research Conference (SRC) and an exhibitors’ area, where VTT set up a stand dedicated to one of his research projects. The stand was used for distributing BODEGA-related flyers and share with participants other information about the project. The SRIEE 2017 was organised by the European Commission in cooperation with the Estonian Academy of the Security Sciences (EASS) and the Estonian Ministry of the Interior. Tallinn, Estonia
26 October 2017 24th UITP Security Commission Meeting Representatives of UIC’s security division presented the status of ongoing security research projects in which UIC is involved within the context of a meeting of the International Association of Public Transport’s (UITP) security commission, attended by 35 transport security managers. Prague, Czech Republic
26 October 2017 International Conference on Applied Psychology and Educational sciences UIC attended the 7th International Conference on Applied Psychology and Educational Sciences, organised by the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of the University of Iasi. During the conference, which was attended by 120 between scholars, researchers and students of applied psychology and educational sciences, UIC mentioned BODEGA within the context of a presentation titled ’Applying Psychology to Make Railway Transport Safer and More Secure’ Iasi, Romania
17-18 October 2017 Eu-LISA Annual Conference2017 CEIS participated to eu-LISA’s 4th Annual Conference, themed ’Going Digital for a Safe and Secure Europe’. The conference was attended by 180 border management professionals. Participation to the event was leveraged by CEIS for presenting BODEGA during breaks and invite new participants to the project’s end-users workshops Tallinn, Estonia
18 September 2017 EAB Research Project Conference (EAB-RPC) VTT participated to the 4th edition of the EAB Research Projects Conference, organised by the European Association for Biometrics in cooperation with the Joint Research Center (DG-JRC) of the EC, and Fraunhofer IGD. The event involved researchers from several EU-funded research projects, including BODEGA. During the conference, VTT offered an update on the status of BODEGA to participants ranging from border control end-users and policy makers to managers of large IT-systems and industry representatives Darmstadt, Germany
12 July 2017 EAB Biometrics in Aviation seminar VTT participated to a seminar organised by the European Association for Biometrics (EAB), in collaboration with IATA. During the seminar, VTT delivered a presentation focusing on current practice and vulnerabilities of Automated Border Control (ABC) in Europe. The event was attended by representatives of the aviation industry, including airports, airlines, government and industry. Lisbon, Portugal
From 17 to 21 July 2017 AHFE conference 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and ergonomics - A BODEGA presentation has been given on "Human Factors approach to study border control automation impacts and needs: methodology and preliminary results of field studies" BODEGA presentation made during the conference Los Angeles, California
7 June 2017 Test of the card game Event with Border guards - Test of the card game for enhancing travellers’ cooperation Pielisen Museo of Lieska, Finland
18-19 May 2017 Joint Exploitation Event TCS, VTT and Z&P took part in a joint exploitation event with representatives of four other EC-funded research projects in the border control domain (ACXIS, C-BORD, CORE and SOURCE). The event benefited from the support of the EC’s ’Exploitation Booster’ service. The event gave each project the opportunity to present technology-focused research results to 80 potential end users, including members of custom agencies and representatives of the European Commission. BODEGA consortium members contributed to the event by delivering three business pitch presentations focused on the following results of BODEGA:

Paris, France
2-5 May 2017 Joint Showcase Event of ABC4EU and BODEGA-projects The event provided an opportunity to expand the end-user community of the BODEGA and ABC4EU research projects while contributing to the dissemination, discussion and validation of their results. While the aim of BODEGA is to enhance efficiency, security and traveller experience of the border control process taking into account human factors and ethical aspects, ABC4EU1 (Automated Border Control Gates for Europe) aims to harmonise border control technology in accordance with Smart Borders legislation Levi, Lapland
18-19 January 2017 BODEGA End-users Workshop 3: Digital transformation in Border Control - Impact on Border Guards’ Work & training 18 European Border Management practitioners stemming from national authorities of 7 different Member States attended this event. Frontex - the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, the United States Department of Homeland Security and the World Customs Organisation were represented as well. On this occasion CEIS, VTT and UIC presented some of the results of the research conducted within the BODEGA project and representatives from Frontex, the United States Department of Homeland Security and the Royal Netherlands Maréchaussée presented their views on the impact of Digital Transformation within their respective organisations. Madrid, Spain
4-7 October 2016 BODEGA Air, Maritime and Road Field studies in Greece. Observations and interviews has been conducted in different border crossing points with top managers, managers, trainers and border guards thanks to the cooperation of KEMEA. Greece
26-29 September 2016 BODEGA Rail and Road Field studies in Poland. Observations and interviews has been conducted in different border crossing points with top managers, managers and border guards thanks to the cooperation of the Polish Straz Graniczna. Poland
August 2016 BODEGA Field studies in Finland. Manager and border guard interviews were conducted at different border crossing points (airport, rail and road borders) and at the Border and Coast Guard Academy thanks to the cooperation of Finnish Border Guards. Observations and surveys were conducted at Helsinki airport on the use of Automated Border Control (ABC) by travellers and border guards. Helsinki, Finland
29 June 2016 BODEGA End-users Workshop 2: Human requirements for future Smart Borders. This workshop focusing on the consequences of the digitalisation of border control processes gathered eighteen border control professionals from different relevant Member States’ services – police, customs, border guard agencies – representing 12 European countries. The European agency FRONTEX was also in attendance. Brussels, Belgium
21st-22nd June 2016 BODEGA field studies carried out at Rome Fiumicino Airport The two-day event was organised by Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli (ADM) and saw the participation of a delegation from the BODEGA consortium alongside representatives of Polizia di Frontiera. The first day of the field studies was dedicated to a visit of the airport’s customs control area. On the second day, the BODEGA team visited the border control area, where researchers focused their observations on the airport’s Automated Border Control and video-surveillance systems, and interviewed border guards involved in 1st and 2nd line checks. Fiumicino, Rome
29 May-2 June 2016 11th World Congress on Railway Research (WCRR) BODEGA project presentation by UIC Milan, Italy
19 April 2016 Transport Research Arena 2016 (TRA 2016) BODEGA project presentation by UIC Warsaw, Poland
08 April 2016 BODEGA Rail Field studies with the Belgian Police Thanks to the support of the Belgian Police, UIC had the opportunity to organise the first rail field study on 8 April 2016 in the Eurostar Channel Terminal from Brussels-Midi railway station. As a partner of the BODEGA consortium, UIC is the responsible of the BODEGA field studies. The field study team was composed of Human Factor specialists as well as an expert in ethics, representing CEA, CEIS, the University of Namur and UIC Brussels, Belgium
12 November 2015 BODEGA End-users Workshop 1 Smart Borders, Smarter Border Guards ? How will border control professionals be impacted by the introduction of Smart Borders ? Brussels, Belgium
08 October 2015 eu-LISA annual conference "The future tested: towards a smart borders reality " Tallinn, Estonia
08 July 2015 BODEGA first Air Field visit in France In order to provide Human Factors experts with an overview regarding border guard activities, a visit to Orly (Paris) airport was organized. Thanks to this first field visit, the Human Factors experts were able to produce an initial set of methodology to conduct the next field studies Paris, France
10-11 June 2015 BODEGA kick-off meeting BODEGA kick-off meeting Tampere, Finland

General Structure

WP1 - Management (led by VTT)

WP1 focuses on the day-to-day management tasks of the BODEGA project, ensuring that it stays on track, and that all planned deliverables are met.

WP2 - Responsible Research and Innovation ( led by University of Namur)

WP2 will develop a Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) framework for the BODEGA project. The framework will be integrated into other work packages
Work Package 2 creates an analytical overview of existing approaches to the consideration of human factors in border control. Particular attention will be paid to the integration of ethical and societal issues in order to clarify a clear mapping of possible areas for innovation and unclear problems.

WP3 - Border guard’s work and border control: end-user requirements for future Smart Borders (led by VTT)

WP3 will produce an understanding of the human factors and motivational issues of border guard’s work and border control tasks. The physical, organisational and technical environment will be taken into account. This understanding will be mainly achieved thorough field studies in which border guard work is observed and studied by interviewing different stakeholders including border guards, decision makers and passengers. The field studies will be carried out at several air, sea and land borders.

The objectives are :

  • Construct an understanding of the human factors and motivational issues of border guard’s work and border control tasks,
    • physical,
    • organisational
    • technical environment
  • Collect, analyse and synthesise human factor -needs and requirements
    • Smart Borders
    • Smarter solutions
    • Automated border control.
  • Provide input to PROPER toolbox
    • Repository of human factors requirements
    • Field study methodologies
    • Task models

WP4 - Human factors Analysis : In-depth cognitive assessment and first requirements for future smarter borders focusing on human factors (led by CEA)

In WP4, the data from WP3 will be organized within task models to deliver a comprehensive picture of the human factors at border crossing. Work package 4 will also process the data gathered in WP3 for an in-depth inquiry of skills and effective abilities of border controllers implied during border control. The study will focus on cognitive processes implied during document verification, identity verification and more particularly to perception strategies and attention (for example face recognition), situation awareness and decision making. WP4 will provide first requirements for smarter borders regarding human factors.

The objectives are

  • Build Task models from cognitive task analysis performed in WP3 to be used in WP5 and WP6 for
    • Document verification
    • Identity verification
    • Background data based risk analysis (Information systems used by borderguards)
    • Video based risk analysis
    • ABC: interaction with border guards
    • HM Interfacing operating a mobile device when a passenger is checked at a border
      : traveller’s point of view, gamification and e-learning, decision support systems
  • Provide an in-depth literature inquiry about :
    • The human factors addressed at borders in light of the cognitive task analysis in Processes implied in identity and document verification, (perception and attention, situation awareness, decision making, vigilance …
    • Human-machine Task allocation in complex systems; lessons learned from other field domains like air traffic control or industrial and nuclear power plants
    • Organizational issues (shifts, collaborative work)
  • Provide first requirements for smarter borders regarding human factors.

WP5 - Innovative interaction between technologies and humans (led by Thales)

Based on WP2, WP3 and WP4 findings, WP5 will concentrate on the border control task allocation between human and machine. It will propose innovative interaction between humans and technologies. The study will focus on traditional duties like document verification, identity verification and risk assessment on the travellers. WP5 will produce recommendations based on studies and/or mock-ups to simplify the border guard’s operational mission. These recommendations will be integrated into the PROPER toolbox. In relation with WP7 this output will be used to evaluate how the different concepts are working.

The objective is to provide recommendations on innovative interaction between technologies and humans for

  • Document verification
  • Identity verification
  • Data based risk analysis
  • Video based risk analysis
  • ABC: interaction with the border guard
  • HMI using mobile device Multi-modal biometric enrolment and identification systems, identity documents issuance

WP6 - Innovative processes and organisation (led by ATOS)

WP6 will take advantage of WP2, WP3 and WP4 findings, and incorporate those into processes that are part of the rail, road, maritime and air border control activities. The study will take into account processes from both travellers and border guards’ points of view. Work package 6 will also investigate mid and long-term decision making processes in regard to the border controls for the different environments. Innovative game and e-learning solutions will be designed and

The objectives are

  • Facilitate control processes to travelers
    • Establish clear and explicit guidelines for enhancing travelers cooperation, of the border control processes, increasing effectiveness of the border crossing process from the travelers point of view
  • Strengthened border control staff capabilities
    • Establish of homogenous, best practices of training, organizing, managing and skill and knowledge maintenance for the border control staff
  • Improved decision-making process:
    • Definition of key factors to be included in mid- and long-term decision-making processes
    • Guidelines for decision support systems to be used in smart borders
  • Demonstration:
    • Demonstrating innovative gaming and e-learning solutions for border control (e.g. for training, traveler experience)

WP7 - Innovation, integration of the toolbox and iterative assessment (led by CEIS)

WP7 will gather end users’, border management decision-makers, border guards and travellers’ representatives, inputs and assess the results of the project iteratively. The work package will start with identifying the various stakeholders on EU border control and security from policy makers to industry to researchers in previous border control projects, to create a network for facilitating the exchange of best practices and for co-developing the Toolbox. Then Work package 7 will integrate the validated results as a toolbox and create a network of stakeholders and facilitate the exchange of best practices between end-users, researchers and the academic and scientific community.

The objective of this work package are

  • Build up a comprehensive stakeholder map and a network for the gathering end users’ - border management decision-makers, border guards and travellers’ representatives - inputs and assessing the results of the project relying on an iterative feedback process in different phases of the project.
  • Create a network of stakeholders and facilitating the exchange of best practices between end-users, researchers and the academic and scientific community and related projects conducted in the framework of FP7 and, if applicable, H2020. This will be done in workshops but also through private internet workspace accomplished in WP8.
  • Ensure and show in measurable terms that the results developed in earlier work packages will of high quality for end users and with regards to innovativeness and applicability in border control. This aim will be achieved by designing a common methodology and criteria for measuring the success of the results and arranging validation and evaluation actions through a number of end user workshops and iterative co-design activities.
  • Collect the validated results in a toolbox - PROPER Toolbox – to promote taking the results into use for the benefit of border control and the work of border guards. The Toolbox will be carefully validated as well with different users and stakeholders.

WP8 - Dissemination and Exploitation (led by Zanasi & partners)

WP8 manages the dissemination of the knowledge generated and the results achieved during the whole project duration. The work carried out in WP8 is intended to generate awareness of the BODEGA project across any interested stakeholder, including border control authorities, law enforcement agencies, experts in privacy and ethical issues, psychologists, artificial intelligence practitioners, manufacturers of border control technologies (both hardware and software), teaching and training institutions, governmental and enterprise decision-makers.


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All trademarks and logos displayed on the website are the property of the International Union of Railways (UIC) and protected by the intellectual property laws applied in France. They may not be used or copied in any way without prior and express permission from the International Union of Railways (UIC), which reserves the right to prosecute any act infringing its intellectual property rights.

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International Union of Railways (UIC)
16 rue Jean Rey 75015


International Union of Railways (UIC)
16 rue Jean Rey 75015

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Human-Driven Design and System Dynamics
Tekniikankatu 1, 33720 Tampere

Website content
Marie-Hélène BONNEAU
16, rue Jean Rey
75015 Paris

Key Results


Who can use this Toolbox

The PROPER Toolbox is an environment created for border authorities, the border technology industry and travellers that offers interactive content for exploring the outputs of the BODEGA project. It is a free, online resource for BODEGA’s key stakeholders to translate and utilise the project’s results into their own operational context.

The PROPER Toolbox Resources can be exploited to support decision-making, enhance the engineering of user-friendly systems and equipment for professional use, improve the working conditions of employees in border management, design next-generation border guard training and educate travellers on border procedures.

PNG - 76 kb

The PROPER Toolbox

  • provides an overview of the BODEGA project and its core focus points
  • publishes the key outcomes of the BODEGA project in a set of tools
  • compiles a list of key terminology used within BODEGA research on border control
  • suggests a collection of topic-specific literature for further investigation

Further information
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Result - Travellers survey

eNews articles title="6th Edition of Transport Research Arena (TRA) held in Warsaw: UIC demonstrated its know-how and expertise">6th Edition of Transport Research Arena (TRA) held in Warsaw: UIC demonstrated its know-how and expertise
from eNews Nr 495 title="UIC is partner in BODEGA (BOrdDErGuArd) research project launched on 10 – 11 June 2015 in Tampere, Finland">UIC is partner in BODEGA (BOrdDErGuArd) research project launched on 10 – 11 June 2015 in Tampere, Finland
from eNews Nr 453 title="BODEGA – First rail field studies began in Brussels on 8 April!">BODEGA – First rail field studies began in Brussels on 8 April!
from eNews Nr 493 title="UIC participates in EU Programme Horizon 2020">UIC participates in EU Programme Horizon 2020
from eNews Nr 435 title="BODEGA end-users workshop held on 12 November 2015 in Brussels">BODEGA end-users workshop held on 12 November 2015 in Brussels
from eNews Nr 473 title="BODEGA consortium participates in a joint conference co-organised by eu-LISA and FRONTEX on 17 October 2018 in Tallinn, Estonia">BODEGA consortium participates in a joint conference co-organised by eu-LISA and FRONTEX on 17 October 2018 in Tallinn, Estonia
from eNews Nr 619 title="UIC meets Frontex within the framework of the Bodega project on 15 October 2015 in Warsaw">UIC meets Frontex within the framework of the Bodega project on 15 October 2015 in Warsaw
from eNews Nr 469